I found the perfect table at Sailor Trading Company. It is a local shop in Sea Girt, nj, monmouth county. They have the most awesome, one of a kind consigned home items. They also carry new items for sale, too. They are on facebook, and often post the latest items to come into the shop. The customer service is great.
This is the table, in the foyer area. The mirror is from when I sold Southern Living At Home products. It goes well with the gray wall color and the chunky candle stick. The candlesticks and
ceramic fish are from Garrret, Manasquan, nj. They are a great home goods shop to visit when you are in Manasquan, or the local area.
This hefty sized container is a new item that Sailor Trading Company had in their store. I originally thought to put a big candle in it, but flowers are a great choice as well.
Stella is enjoying the pillow, as much as I do.
Had to include one more of her sneaking under the sheets after I made my bed.
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